Sustainability against hunger

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Sustainability against hunger

At ACTION2DAY, we are committed to combating hunger and fostering sustainable solutions for food security. We proudly partner with St. Clement School, located on the outskirts of Nairobi, to provide low-income students with two daily meals through a structured and reliable meal program.

St. Clement School serves 300 vulnerable children, including orphans, refugees, children from single-parent families, and those affected by AIDS. In addition to free education, healthcare, food, and clothing, the school’s meal program plays a crucial role in keeping students in school, supporting their physical and cognitive development, and ensuring a brighter future.

Our support for St. Clement’s meal distribution program is structured around three key initiatives:

     1. Organic Farming: In collaboration with students and teachers, our team established an organic vegetable garden to promote self-sufficiency and nutrition education.

     2. Occasional Food Support: Special food distributions, including Christmas meals, rice, and cooking oil, benefiting communities in Tharaka-Nithi, Migori Women’s Prison, Umoja Village and the surrounding areas of St. Clement School.

Through these initiatives, we strive to create long-term solutions for food security, empowering communities with the resources and skills needed for sustainable development and self-reliance.