Today's Child Tomorrow's World

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ACTION2DAY- Today’s Child, Tomorrow’s World

About Us

Our mission

Our mission is to make a generational impact on poverty in rural Kenya by collaborating with community leaders. Because we believe that relationship-building and community partnerships are the cornerstones of sustainable practices, we seek to form and maintain long-term relationships with our beneficiaries.

Our vision

Action2Day is committed to creating tangible change in areas of Kenya where poverty is a multifaceted issue with implications for the local economy, food security, education, and gender equity. Our vision is to work with communities to combat poverty at the local level, and to promote financial independence, educational opportunities, and economic growth through actionable steps that align with the expressed interests of community and individual beneficiaries. We believe the best solutions are the ones that center the needs and wants of the communities we serve, promote self-sufficiency, and are designed with the interests of multiple generations in mind.

Our values

Our actions are governed by sustainability, transparency, self-sufficiency, community partnerships, and a long-term commitment to our beneficiaries.

How it all began 

My story in the humanitarian field started when I was 19 years old, less than a decade after a revolution had toppled the authoritarian regime in my home country of Romania. Humanitarian conditions for marginalized individuals were bleak, but it wasn’t until I started working in an orphanage for 400 disabled and institutionalized children that I was faced with the grim reality behind the institution’s doors. Working against the dehumanizing standard left a deep imprint on my teenage self that I carried with me in later years, when I entered the professional workforce as an official for the European Union.

In my time volunteering in Guatemala and Brussels, I retained a passion for humanitarian work as defined by direct action, hands-on research, and human relationships, not just uplifting slogans and bureaucracy. In 2018, I visited Kenya, where I was struck by the kindness of my hosts. I moved to Nairobi two years later.

In 2021, with the help of some wonderful people, Action2Day was born.

Despite urban development, there are parts of Kenya where I witnessed women working more than 12 hours to earn less than a dollar, and children put in homes so that they would have at least one hot meal a day. In these areas, unpurified water is brought in from afar and disease is common. Our team is made up of locals, artists, and field practitioners from Kenya, the United States, Romania, Greece, and Belgium. Drawing from all of our diverse experiences, Action2Day volunteers share a common vision for sustainable solutions in rural Kenya, and most importantly, a desire to see them through.

Veronica Pintilie, Founder
